ESA Statement for teaching sociology in Greece

ESA Statement for teaching sociology in Greece

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινωνιολογική Εταιρεία (E.S.A.) τοποθετήθηκε σχετικά με την κατάργηση του μαθήματος της Κοινωνιολογίας στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση.

Ακολουθεί η ανακοίνωση από το site της E.S.A.:

"ESA Statement for teaching sociology in Greece

ESA was informed that the Ministry of Education in Greece has withdrawn sociology and social sciences courses from the secondary education curriculum and undermined the importance of social sciences for educating the country’s youth.

ESA would like to express its firm belief about the validity and significance of sociological knowledge to the democratic functioning of contemporary societies, the strengthening of democratic institutions and deliberations and the enabling of evidence-based policymaking.

ESA expresses its support and solidarity to sociologists and social scientists in Greece and across the globe, and also voices its opposition to such actions that disregard and diminish the positive role of sociology and social science towards improving people’s understanding of their living and strengthening democracy and diversity."